Welcome to Ashtanga Yoga Shala - Jyväskylä (AYSJ).
‘Shala’ is a Sanskrit word meaning, home, abode, sanctuary, a safe or sacred space, a place of learning. A Yoga Shala is a ‘place of yoga’ and is a sacred space where students of Traditional Yoga practice, share, learn and grow.
Ashtanga Yoga Shala Jyväskylä is a dedicated space for learning the Ashtanga Method in the lineage of Krishnamacharya, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, and now following R. Sharath Jois, the Director of Sharath Yoga Center, in Mysore, India. It is the first Ashtanga school in Jyväskylä with a resident SJC Authorized Teacher, Bela Lipat, running a daily Ashtanga Yoga Mysore style program.
Opened in the fall of 2017 in the heart of Jyväskylä, we welcome everyone, from total beginners to advanced practitioners. As Pattabhi Jois used to say, “Anyone can practice.” We look forward to creating a safe space for learning and being; and building a supportive community, a ’sangha’, of like minded-spirits in the journey of yoga. Shower is also available for morning students.
Yoga is above all experiential. It is your own experience that will always be your truest and best teacher. The traditional Mysore Self-Practice can greatly deepen the meditative experience. It has the capacity to heal and strengthen the body and develop a more profound understanding of the potential that yoga offers to each of us.
A warm welcome! Come join us for practice and community in the heart of Jyväskylä.
We look forward to meeting you.
“Practice, practice, and all is coming!” - Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.