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Monday-Wednesday-Friday 6:30 - 8:30AM



Start your day with Mysore Morning Practice! 

Included in the month Mysore Morning Program card is the Led Class on Saturdays.

Doors open at 6:25.



Monday - Wednesday - Thursday 16:30 - 18:30


End your day with this Mysore Afternoon practice.  All of the classes at Ashtanga Yoga Shala Jyväskylä coordinate breathing and physical movement together to improve focus and concentration, and help students cultivate control of their body and mind.  Included in the Mysore Afternoon program is the Led Class on Saturdays.  Doors open at 16:25.

Sharath in Shala.jpeg

SATURDAY 8:30 -10:30AM


A traditional led Primary Series class that follows the Sanskrit count as Pattabhi Jois taught and now his grandson, Sharathji.  The Led Ashtanga Class is a very important part of the Mysore Ashtanga Program in that it’s purpose is to maintain and reinforce the correct sequence of postures and understanding of the vinyasa system, the correct breath and movement synchronization.  This class is for those who have an established Mysore practice and is included when you enroll in the Mysore Program.  It is also possible to attend as a drop-in class for those who have an established Ashtanga practice.

Doors open at 8:25. 

Conference/Philosophy Talk is given after led class. 

Payment for classes, courses and retreats can be made by bank transfer to:

IBAN: FI44 1544 3000 2826 52
Name: Ashtanga Yoga Rovaniemi

Or in cash on the day you come to class or course.

We share our exact location after you have signed up for class.


RATES: Effective August 2024  

VAT increase to 14% effective January 2025

all rates + 14%VAT

*5x Class Card: 16e/class : 80e + 14%VAT 11.20 = 91.20euros

*10x Class Card:  15e/class: 150e + 14%VAT 21.00 = 171euros

-Class cards are available only for those with an established Mysore practice and cannot come to class 4-5 days a week. 

-Valid for 2 months from start date of the first class, for both morning or afternoon classes. No extensions and no refunds for classes missed.

-Booking for class cards required 24hours in advance. 

-Please note:  Booked classes are counted if not cancelled 12 hours before class time. 



Morning Mysore : about 18 classes/month x 11e/class

198euros + 14%VAT 27.72 = 225.72

4x/week practice - Monday - Wednesday - Friday, includes Led Class on Saturdays


Afternoon Mysore: about 18 classes/month x 11e/class

198euros + 14%VAT 27.72 = 225.72

4x/week practice - Monday - Wednesday - Thursday, includes Led Class on Saturdays

Please note that monthly cards are for 30 days only from start date of first class. 

No extensions, except when teacher is absent.

Discounts are offered for students, seniors, and unemployed persons.  Email us for inquiry


Every student is entrusted for independently managing their account and ensuring prompt payment of Shala fees at the start of each monthly or class card.  This self-directed approach enables us to direct our time and effort towards your practice, without the need for constant administrative oversight and to build a trusting relationship with the student.  


*Drop- In Class :18euros/class + 14%VAT 2.52 = 20.52euros
*Drop-In for Mysore and Led Primary is allowed ONLY If you have an established Mysore practice.  For those coming for a week or two, special rates apply. 

Please contact us for special weekly rates!  

Beginner's Ashtanga Yoga Course:

140euros + 14%VAT 19.60 = 159.60euros

for 4 sessions led/ 4 sessions Mysore


Includes 4 Mysore classes

the following week after the course

Pranayama Course and Meditation Course:

110euros + 14%VAT 15.40 = 125.40euros

for 4 sessions course - 90 minutes/session


Philosophy Course

150euros + 14%VAT 21.00 = 171euros

for 8 sessions course - 60 minutes/session


-Course fees are not refundable.  Missed sessions are not refundable or transferable. 

-Course fees are per person and per course and cannot be transferred to another time. 

-The course will take place if at least 3 participants have registered for it.



“Om poorna-madah poorna-midam
Poornaat poorna mudachyate
Poornasya poorna maadaya
Poorna mevaa vashishyate
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti-hi”



Om ! That (Brahman) is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite. The infinite proceeds from the infinite. (Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe),
It remains as the infinite (Brahman) alone.

Om ! Peace ! Peace ! Peace!


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    What is a moon day?

    A Moon Day is a day on which there is a new or full moon.  No Mysore classes are held on these days, based on a tradition in India that it is inauspicious to do so. These moon days are calculated for Helsinki, Finland timezone with a Vedic Calendar. 


    Moon Day Schedule in Finland:

    13 January, Monday - Full

    29 January, Wednesday - New

    12 February, Wednesday - Full

    27 February, Thursday - New

    Like all things of a watery nature (human beings are about 70% water), we are affected by the phases of the moon. The phases of the moon are determined by the moon’s relative position to the sun. Full moons occur when they are in opposition and new moons when they are in conjunction. Both sun and moon exert a gravitational pull on the earth. Their relative positions create different energetic experiences that can be compared to the breath cycle. The full moon energy corresponds to the end of the inhalation when the force of prana is greatest. This is an expansive, upward moving force that makes us feel energetic and emotional, but not well grounded. The Upanishads state that the main prana lives in the head. During the full moon we tend to be more headstrong.


    The new moon energy corresponds to the end of the exhalation when the force of apana is greatest. Apana is a contracting, downward moving force that makes us feel calm and grounded, but dense and disinclined towards physical exertion.
    The Farmers Almanac recommends planting seeds at the new moon when the rooting force is strongest and transplanting at the full moon when the flowering force is strongest.
    Practicing Ashtanga Yoga over time makes us more attuned to natural cycles. Observing moon days is one way to recognize and honor the rhythms of nature so we can live in greater harmony with it.
    -Tim Miller





    +358 040 1379788

    Harjukatu, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland


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